Sunday, December 8, 2013

Activism in the Digitial Age response (extra credit)

virtual spectators on, photo credit:

1. What have your learned from the China Digital Times articles on the Southern Weekly protest earlier this year? Cite the specific article(s) you consulted (notice the articles are ordered from new to old).

2. What have you learned from Prof. Guobin Yang's conclusion to his book The Power of the Internet in China? Use quotes with page numbers to support your observations.

Due Wednesday December 11 by 8 pm for one extra credit.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Exhibiting China response

Welcome back! Please read the three pieces for this week on Blackboard and write three concise paragraphs in answering the following questions:

Question for "Beijing 2008": In what ways do you think the comparison with Germany, Mexico, and South Korea is useful or not useful in understanding the Beijing Olympics of 2008? Give one textual evidence with page number to support your view.
Question for "Shanghai in the 21st Century": In what ways do you think the comparison with "world fairs" in history and other cities in the world is useful or not useful in understanding the Shanghai Expo of 2010? Give one textual evidence with page number to support your view.

Question for "Future": What interests you most in these 13 questions about China's future? Give one textual evidence with page number to support your view.

Due Wednesday 12/4 by 8 pm. Comments to two other responses due Wednesday 12/4 by 10 pm. Please be prepared to share the progress of your third and final paper in class this week.